Thursday 23 June 2011

Draft placement of filters

Couple of pieces of plastic turned up today. One for the base of the Terry filter and one for mounting the line filter. I had already picked up a piece of pcb from Maplin so I can now work out the layout of the first level.

The acrylic bases are both black and will be mounted on small ceramic insulators.

As you can see I have placed the components just to get an idea of the spacing.

Line filter is rated at 20amp and was a cheap purchase on eBay, should look good mounted on the black acrylic board.

Spent the rest of tonight soldering the components of the Terry filter.

Not the best soldering in the world but I'm getting better.

Will finish off the soldering of the end component next session. Also need to order a brass strip for the central ground.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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