Sunday 26 June 2011

Progress with filters

Finished off the RFI/EMI filter module today, it's mounted on a piece of black acrylic which, in turn, is mounted on the main base on 25mm ceramic insulators. Have ran out of this size of insulators so will have to re-order some more from a seller on ebay.
Have now finished all the soldering on the Terry filter, it has come out OK and is almost ready for mounting on its acrylic base. I have ordered a strip of 8mm by 3mm brass which will be used as the ground rail down the centre of the Terry filter. I have been lookong for suitable electrical connectors to use on the Terry filter but could not find anything other than pretty crappy ring connectors. I was looking for similar ones to the copper lugs used by Alan from Teslastuff, his plans show these used in a variety of places on the Tesla. I emailed Alan to see if I could buy some from him and I now have 16 of them winging their way from the US.
The brass strip will be fitted over the feint pencil line. The plastic bolt in the centre locates into one of the 25mm insulators and just gives the centre of the board a little support. The next pics shows the 2 filters back in situ on the main base. Have just ordered some 60mm M6 bolts which I will use to locate the three terminal posts on the input side of the Terry filter.

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